CSS Update 2022: container queries, has-selector, subgrids and more

In 2022, there are more interesting innovations for web developers in the Evergreen browsers than there have been for a long time. Not only is the long-awaited “parent selector” available with ‘:has()’, but also @layer, which now allows the cascade to be influenced better. In addition, we get native container queries, not to forget subgrids. But also the small features like ‘aspect-ratio’, ‘gap’ in flexbox, fancy ‘text-decoration’-styling, ‘conic-gradient()’, new colour spaces and their manipulation, adjusting fallback fonts and much, much more.

Sven Wolfermann is a freelance web developer from Berlin with a focus on modern frontend development. He is considered an expert in the field of Responsive Web Design and shares his knowledge in lectures and workshops. His focus is always on user experience, accessibility and performance optimization.

Thanks to Heise Medien for giving away 1 on-site ticket + 3 streaming tickets for the c’t webdev conference in Cologne, the raffle is over — we wish all winners a lot of fun at this great conference.

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